Well, we've come so far
Down this winding road
So much we wanted to see
And we worked hard
So that we'd become
Who we thought we wanted to be
Now looking back, the dreams we had
Belong to another day
Those people we knew
Got lost along the way
When we were young
When we were free
It was me for you
And you for me
And it seemed to be
All so much easier then
When there was nothing
We couldn't do
Cos we'd just try and we'd see it through
I wish me and you were
Those two people again
Sometimes you win
Sometimes you lose
And sometimes you don't even care
You just keep on going
To the end of the road
And hope that you'll get there
And you close your mind
So you don't stray
On the wrong side of the track
Cos if you lose your way
Then there's no turning back
Two People Copyright (c) Steve Nielson (Musical Juice) All Rights Reserved